Founders' Meetings #1
- Check-in:
- Imagining the innovation ecosystem
- Update:
- Aim of the ecosystem
- To-do:
- Creation of high-level pathways to create an ecosystem
- Steps to take Monday morning
- Fun
- Next steps
- Imagining the innovation ecosystem:
- Free flow: Ice wants to have fun. Break some of the ice. A lot of initiatives like this, what would make this different - Hitendra. Need structure.
- Innovation club
- Best practices of ecosystem: Comps here, because of the ecosystem, but don’t use ecosystems. Not a tech push comp, don’t have a manufacturing plan.
- Funding attraction
- Training
- Innovating by combining ideas: Blur the lines of companies
- Exposing to other ideas: Best results of innovation: exposure to other influences
- Become better known (comp) in the us labour market
- Drive return on innovation
- Different perspectives
- Labor market attractiveness
- Create jobs
- Prosperity of the local economy
- It can be bigger than all of us
2. Aim of the ecosystem:
- Fix ecosystem
- Innovation breakthroughs through new insights
- Funding attraction and sustaining for innovation
- Increasing labor market attractiveness
- Prosperity of local economy
Aim of founders:
- Learn something new
- Connect the dots
- Want to be around people who want to change something
- Broaden network
3. Actions:
- Help with talent attraction
- Marketing: Go into labour market as a group
4. Steps to take:
- Small event - to talk about a certain topic of interest (Escape room; Just social event)
- Workshops
- Design sprints with founders
- Bring additional people (1-2 each)
- Name the group
- Website
Problem: Ecosystem broken: no flow from Unis to companies
Worries: Putting company name on a big publication