Founders' Meeting #2
Objective (6pm - 8pm)
Objective (6pm - 8pm)
- Check-in:
- Introduction to new team members
- Introduction to host innovation center: Monthly speaker's presentation
- Update:
- Review the Objectives of the group
- Comment on preliminary website
- To do:
- Agree on calendar for the year
- Next steps
- Introduction to new team members.
2. Introduction to host innovation center: Monthly speaker's presentation
- Shell TechWorks created to shorten the traditional R&D cycle length
- No corporate funding, work as a start-up
- Globalization vs localization of innovation centers. Benefits of interaction ("some of the most successful solutions started as over-hearing someone")
- Pfeizer, Microsoft, Facebook - some of the centers run by women
- Getting through commercialization is one of the biggest issues (not a tech company, any tech solution will end up in 3rd party's hands).
- Issues: future size of team (silos) - solution keep the group size small, which sometimes implies limiting the number & size of projects
3. Review the Objectives of the group:
- Share google sheet w/ founders to add and revise the current goals/mandate.
4. Comment on preliminary website:
- General comment: Going too wide: (1) start ups, mega trends, and trends sections are too resource intensive; (2) Find a criteria for startup selection
- Home: Goal, aim - create google doc for founders to revise.
- Events: (1) Calendar: put events together; (2) Events that are happening in the ecosystem - keep up with what is happening, to ensure that the events are unique
- Ecosystem overview: (1) Cooperation w/ innovation leaders. Could potentially be a partner. Set up a meeting w/ innovation leaders (Scott Kirsner, Frank Hertz); (2) Look into tech allies: bring in start-ups
- New sections: (1) Social network analysis ( understand which network players are cooperating with whom and how; (2) Give ideas about places/events where to meet local innovation players: Science Cafe, MIT lobbies; (3) NOT PUBLIC: place to post challenges. Survey.
5. Agree on calendar for the year:
- Hosting competition (universities & schools or teams we work in)
- Between center co-working: specialists from different centers work part time for a full-week in another center
- Founders' brunch/ dinner: 2nd week of month. Responsible: Arnaldo & Nicola (location)
- Talent Fair: January. Need to put in resumes of talent. Responsible: David, Garret (location)
- Inter-center co-working: be company specific. Can set up quickly. Responsible: David & Garret
- Work-outs: send survey w/ questions about issues to tackle. Run at the monthly meetings
6. Next steps:
- Calendar:
1. Cleaned up to look beautiful in the google sheet
2. Add location, time
3. Add to the google sheet different tabs, aims, challenges
- Events: more meat in each event, add the new ones' description (Objective +Deliverable)
- Information to be added to website:
- Get quotes of founders for rotation on the website
- Contact information (Names, emails, phones)
- People who have participated (e.g. Shell)
- Ask Rom to keep organizing start-ups (name 5 startups you think are cool to be working w/. Not yet)
- Joining: Google form
- Events that are happening right now
- New sections:
- Operations team (Rasa, Regita, Rom, etc.) - contact info.
- Future step: Socioviz. Influence maps.
- Locations to work & be inspired