Founders' Meeting #3
- Check-in:
- Introduction to new team members
- Introduction to host center
- Update:
- Resume exchange: review the progress
- Speakers event
- To do:
- Future events planning: Innovation Center competition
- Figuring out the ICoN business model
- Guaranteeing the involvement of members
- Location of ICoN
- Next steps
- Check-in: Have to ensure
- Introduction to new team members:
- Ken Lee, Schneider Electric. Expertise, experience: equipment, communication equipment. System architecture for industrial automation. Focus: consistent inter-operable technical units serving different technical units of the business. Cyber security becoming increasingly more important.
- Thomas Sanches, Verizon. Tech strategy development, specializing in 5G, distributed cloud. Focus: Latency improvement . Overall strategy of technologies. Consumer, enterprise, media. Networking technology (the pillar of all 3). Develop strategies for new products and technologies that might emerge.
- Introduction to host center (Verizon, Waltham):
- Focus: test, verify, make market-ready solutions
- Current areas of interest: Development of new business models; Customer experience research, improvement, tackling with new technologies
- Technology focus: 5G technologies which compared to 4G have improved: (1) bandwith 8 - 9x; (2) latency (reduced 6x).
- Introduction to new team members:
- Update:
- Resume exchange: review the progress
- Verizon and Schneider working on inter-center resume exchange.
- Communication platform, to centralize communication: Currently informal communication works, and post success stories publicly. At some point figure out how to break communication issues.
- Speaker events:
- Every month. Pick a topic, pick a location, film, upload a video. In the future, organize the presentations in convenient, notable locations. Speakers from the organization not necessarily the founders.
- Deliberate about who is invited to the event. So the speakers and audience are not tired out. Leverage Hubspot to invite a wider audience.
- Resume exchange: review the progress
- To do:
- Future events planning: Innovation Center competition:
- Aim: leverage resources to solve issues at a scale. Not all of the issues can be tackled by governments or NGOs, hence leverage the ICoN network, to use technologies, skills to solve global issues.
- Presentation of alternative challenges to potentially work on: (1) President's Challenge, Healthcare; (2) UN, Reversing Climate Change; (3) NASA, leverage of hostile environments for food growth, etc.
- Presentation of potential process, participation aim: 25 innovation centers, 1 - 5 teams.
- Concerns:
- Challenge:
- Look for a challenge that the foundations would be interested in.
- Potential backfiring of social challenge seeming like a social enterprise challenge. If a center doesn't want to participate in a specific challenge, can not participate.
- Interested participants:
- Majority of Mother companies of ICoN innovation centers would be interested, not necessarily the centers themselves.
- Stakeholder alignment:
- A lot of the process seems company-oriented - results in a lot of stakeholders, who all need to be aligned. Get company participation, as an employee cannot simply agree. Employees can convince their organization internally.
- Challenge:
- Potential solutions:
- Challenge:
- Figure it out through trial & error.
- Solving local challenges, increase involvement. Increased access to local talent, government, etc. Local problem that is saleable.
- Participation: leverage foundations, and social enterprises of the Mother corporations to reduce IP risks, challenge issues.
- Challenge:
- Figuring out the ICoN business model:
- Innovation center competition: participation fee.
- Need to drive the exposure of ICoN, to initially provide the value to the members, then monetize
- Currently oriented on individual-based model - moving to a company level model.
- Project-specific sponsorship model. E.g. for speaker events, innovation center competition
- Subscription to participate in ICoN. When ICoN gains traction.
- Opening of innovation centers to the public while the center is not-operational
- Issue: individual participation vs corporation participation - alignment of all stakeholders
- Innovation center competition: participation fee.
- Guaranteeing the involvement of members:
- Value to the members, directly. Workouts, co-working - quick start.
- Drive accountability of individual members - committing to specific tasks
- Tailored events to the specific interests of members (e.g. fire-side chat about aging with Nicola)
- Godfather for each event
- Location of ICoN:
- Expansion of ICoN beyond to e.g. NY. Distance reduces collaboration.
- Future events planning: Innovation Center competition:
- Next steps:
- Send out invitation to the next ICoN meeting. Rasa - send out meeting request email, book.
- Locking in the speakers for monthly speaker event
- Co-working space, workouts. Rasa - send out e-mail: challenges that would like to tackle.
- Communication channel: whatsapp, messenger?